Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Finding Strength In Each Other's Differences

Last night I was driving home from a very productive Discovery Toys evening. My legs and feet hurt and I realized I had to stop at the store for groceries before I could go home to my couch. I stopped at the store and picked up a few items then got in line. Of course I got stuck in the line with the SLOWEST cashier and the customer who wanted to argue about the price of every item she was purchasing. Needless to say by the time I finally made it out to the car I was exhausted. I hopped in and started the short drive home.

My radio was already tuned into WFRN and Focus on the Family was on. There was a couple on talking about their book "Men Are Like Waffles, Women Are Like Spaghetti." The title of the book alone intrigued me so I started paying attention. They went on to talk about the difference in styles of communication from men to women. The waffle to man analogy illustrates that men have boxes they categorize everything in. And when they process information they hop from box to box. They gave the example that if you call your husband at work and he's in his "work" box, you talking to him about stuff going on at home is completely ineffective. You need to preface your conversation by saying "do you have 5 minutes I really need to talk to you about something going on here" so that the man knows he needs to switch boxes. In contrast women relate to things like a plate of spaghetti. Everything in their life is touching each other at all times. Everything is related and they are constantly multitasking thought processes. It really enlightened my way of thinking and made me take a look at how Brett & I communicate. I think I might order their book and give this some more thought. You can listen to the 2nd part of the broadcast now at the following link. Its definitely some food for thought :)

Here is the link to their book:


  1. wow! sounds very interesting and may be a way to learn to communicate better with Larry. Did you purchase the book? If so, can I borrow it when you are done? Maybe I will check the library next time I'm there (as if I have time to do any "pleasure" reading anymore! lol - Alisha
